Kullu is the valley of Gods and Goddesses. These Gods are alive just like you and me. They Sleep, Wake up, Eat, Dance and Enjoy the Beauty of Nature like Everyone Else. They have relative and near ones who join in the celebration. Some of these devis and Devtas do not like to travel while others like to visit far away Gods and Goddesses and move in a caravan with a medium, musician and followers. No wonder Kullu is Dev-Bhumi, the land of Gods.
All the seasons have their unique color and feel. The earthy flavour mixes with the fragrance of fruit blossoms in spring, and multi-colored flora dots vast alpine grasslands that at tract hordes of honeybees in summer. Monsoon brings greenery all around while sailing mist engulfs the valleys in its moist folds. Autumn colors the landscape differently as the sky shines a clear blue. The white winters are severe but glow with bonfires.